
真賢館館長 (Shinkenkan Instructor)
空手の道の著者(Karate no Michi Author)
水野マークの紹介 Introduction

Hello, my name is Marc Waterfield. I am originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. I have been practicing Chito-Ryu Karate-do since 1988. I first came to Japan in 1999 as an exchange student to study for one-year at Hokkaido University of Education Hakodate Campus and have been in living in Kumamoto since 2001. In 2021, after attaining a PhD in Literature with research focusing on Teacher Development from Kumamoto University, I took a position as an Associate Professor at Miyazaki International University. Currently, I am teaching language and cultural courses as well as teaching certification track courses in both the undergraduate and graduate school programs. I work in Miyazaki but my home is in Kumamoto.

In 2013 I registered the Shinkenkan Dojo. When the dojo began, we did not have a training facility. The 2nd Generation Soke was very generous allowing us to use the Yoseikan on the weekends. During this time, I was also coaching the Buntoku High School Karate-do Team. Currently the main training space of the Shinkenkan Dojo is located on the 2nd floor of Miyazaki International University gymnasium. I also often train on Sundays in the Kumamoto Athletic Park.

 初めて日本に来たのは1999年で、北海道教育大学函館キャンパスに1年間の交換留学生として勉強し、その後2001年から熊本に住んでいます。 2021年には、熊本大学で教育者の成長に関する研究を行い、文学の博士号を取得しました。

 (The early stages of Shinkenkan, teaching a small Saturday afternoon children’s class at the Chito-Ryu Sohonbu Dojo, Kumamoto Japan, 2013真剣館の初期、2013年、熊本日本の千唐流総本部道場で土曜日午後に子供のクラスを教える)

A little about my earlier years and my journey to Japan
I began practicing Chito-Ryu Karate-do at the age of 10 under the guidance of Michael Delaney Sensei at the Atlantic Karate Club (AKC) in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada.


(Michael Delaney Senseiマイケル・デラニー先生)

I have been very fortunate to have met and learned from many amazing Sensei during my 37 years practicing Chito-Ryu Karate-do. During my time practicing in Canada, I competed alongside many elite athletes, learning a lot in practice and competition.

(Nova Scotia Men’s Kumite Teamノバスコシア州男子組手チーム)

At the age of 15 I had a dream to go to Japan and learn from the Japanese Sensei there. I wanted to be the best Karateka that I could be and paid close attention whenever anyone was willing to share their knowledge or experience. I listened with joy, excitement when my Sensei and Senpai returned from Japan with many exciting stories of their experiences training there. I felt inspired when they spoke of Japan. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. Their stories made Japan somehow feel closer. I knew deep down inside that I needed to get to Japan and experience training there for myself.
I became so intrigued with the Japanese language and culture. This intrigue led to many life-changing choices, not the least of which was moving to Japan to live and work. My motivation to study the language and culture arose from my desire to more deeply understand the essence of Chit-Ryu Karate-do. I felt if I could understand what the Sensei were saying I could more deeply grasp this essence. I did not want to copy. I wanted to know and understand.
Even at 15 years old, there was no doubt in my mind that one day I would travel to Japan. But this is not an easy undertaking. Japan is the farthest place a boy from Halifax, Nova Scotia can go in this world, both physically and culturally. It is completely on the other side of the planet. Geographically, to go any farther than Japan would bring me back closer to Halifax again. Moreover, Western and Eastern Cultural views are wolds apart. In short, this would be a huge undertaking for anyone. For me, it was truly a life-changing decision to come and live in Japan. However, the transition was more easily made thanks to the Chito-Ryu community whom I consider to be my extended family.

(Marc, age 11 at the Atlantic Karate Club, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

first met the 2nd Generation Soke when I was still a young boy, this even further motivated me to train harder so that one day I would be worthy of visiting the Sohonbu Dojo in Kumamoto. However, nothing worth while comes easy. There were many ups and downs along the way. But our training teaches us to never give up.


(2nd Generation Soke and Marc 2代目宗家とマーク)

Nothing Worthwhile Comes Easily
After graduating from high school, I decided to take a year off school (1996 ~1997) I still trained at the AKC and competed while working a part-time job at a call center in Halifax. I tried to convince myself that the money from this job would go to purchasing a ticket to Japan, but I was unable to save enough money to even come close. The whole time my inner voice was screaming out to me, advising me not to give up my dream. I quit that job and enrolled in the faculty of Asian Studies (ASN) at Saint Mary’s University (SMU). Not only did the school offer courses in all the things that interested me related to Japanese language and culture, it also offered an opportunity to study in Japan at Hokkaido University of Education Hakodate campus for one year. 
At the end of my second year at SMU, I applied for the one-year scholarship and was accepted. The scholarship provided me with airfare to and from Japan, tuition for the year, and a Monthly income for living expenses. But, more importantly for me I WAS FINALLY GOING TO JAPAN!!! It was a dream come true and I was going to make the most of it! It was in the academic year of 1999~2000 I first came to Japan and that summer, I traveled to the Sohonbu Dojo in Kumamoto. I was 21 years old and eager to experience as much as I could. I made a lot of mistakes but was fortunate enough to have met a lot of great friends who, I hope, saw the purity of my intention and the honesty in my hunger for knowledge. If nothing else, I believe these were the two qualities that might have helped me the most during my early and awkward years in Japan. 
I was able to attend the 1999 Summer Camp in Aso. There I met so many amazing people and was introduced to my friend Nishioka Hiroshi Sensei. Soke arranged for a visit to Osaka before returning to Hokkaido.



(1999 Summer Camp in Aso 1999年夏合宿、阿蘇)

(Nishioka Dojo, 2016 西岡道場、2016年)
In 2001, after completing a Bachler’s Degree in Asian Studies, I returned to Kumamoto on the JET Programme and as such came to live and work full-time in Nishigoshi Town.

(Buhokan Demonstration at my Welcome Party, Nishigoshi Town, 2001

I would like to tell you about the many experiences and moments of growth that affected my life in profound ways. Unfortunately, there is not enough space to do so in this column. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my blog Karate no Michi (http://understanding-karatedo.blogspot.com). Furthermore, I am also currently working on a book which goes into more depth on some of the experiences mentioned in the blog. All of which were either directly or indirectly related to my study and practice of Karate-do as well as personal growth and deepening my level of understanding of the Japanese culture.
24-plus-years later, I am still in Japan following my dreams and making new ones. I would be honored if you would visit my blog so that I can share with you the experiences that facilitated a deeper understanding of Karate-do and the lessons that I learned while studying Japanese language and culture. deeply rooted in this very special martial art; Chito-Ryu Karate-do.


(Mori, Marc, and Hirose Sensei, Yoseikan Men’s Kumite Team, 2006

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who have helped me along the way especially my good friend and training partner while training at the Yoseikan, Hirose Masakazu Sensei.
Over the years I have had the rare honor of representing both Canada (1998, 2001) and Japan (2004, 2007, 2010) at the Soke Cup, each and every time was a profound learning experience.


(Men’s Team Kumite 1998 Soke Cup, Ontario Canada

(Canada Men’s B Team, 1998 Soke Cup, Ontario Canada

(Japan Men’s Team Kumite, 2010 Soke Cup, Kumamoto Japan, 2010

From 2008 to 2021 I was heavily involved with the Senior High School Division of the Japan Karate-do Federation (JKF) as I was a full-time English teacher at Buntoku Senior High School and coach of the Karate-do team. I am still involved with the highs school division as a National A rank Official and as such I have been officiating at the All Japan Senbatsu and Inter-high Championships since 2017.


(JKF High School Division National Senbatsu Championships 

I have learned many things about how karate-do is taught in middle schools across Japan and the value of bukatsudo. Currently, I am teaching full-time at Miyazaki International University and as Chief of Student Affairs, I have been able to apply what I have learned revising the clubs and circles policy guidelines for the university, incorporating a bukatsudo approach. I also once again, have more time to devote to Chito-Ryu Karate-do.


(Hana Furumoto High-level Kumite Seminar Group Photo, Miyazaki International University, 2023
2023年、宮崎国際大学でのHana Furumotoと高レベル組手セミナー参加者集合写真)

(Some of the Shinkenkan Miyazaki International University Dojo members, 2025
If you are ever in Miyazaki, please come to visit us. At the Shinkenkan we are always eager to train with and learn from those who are passionate about the martial arts and especially Chito-Ryu Karate-do.
